Monday, December 28, 2009

This is my blog

This is my blog. I guess you've assumed that by now, but I just wanted to clear up any doubts. I'll post anything that catches my fancy, like an interesting myth or a new movie that looks pretty damn cool. Be forewarned: I will swear, make insensitive statements, and talk about very morbid things; so if you are sensitive it is HIGHLY suggested that you leave now. If you stay and are offended it is not my fault. So there. Unpleasantries aside, I will also be posting a story of my own devising. It is not the best of my works, I admit that freely, but if you want a better work of mine you'll have to wait until graduation after which I will (hopefully) have more time to my literary adventures. I will make no promises concerning what will come out when. I welcome any commentary (yes, even flames) so send me a message or post a comment! Comments are food and caffeinated beverages for my soul!
So come one, come all! Make yourself comfortable, it's gonna be one hell of a strange ride!

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